🔄 POOP Station
Poop Station is where users buy and sell POOP.
When a user buys POOP with L1 coins, new tokens are minted through the Poop Finance contract.
POOP purchases have a tax which is distributed to the Backing Vault, LP stakers, and contributors. Check Fees for details of the distribution. The total supply of POOP increases. But the tax Backing Vault received ensures that the amount of L1 Coin backing POOP increases at a greater rate than the total supply of POOP. The price of POOP/BNB goes up.
This is how the price of POOP/BNB goes up.
When a user sells POOP for L1 coins, the tokens sold are burned by the Poop Finance contract.
POOP sales have a tax which is distributed to the Backing Vault, LP stakers, and contributors. Check Fees for details of the distribution. The tax Backing Vault received ensures that the amount of L1 Coin backing POOP increases even when the total supply of POOP decreases.
This is how the price of POOP/BNB only goes up.
Last updated